
Join us Sunday

a different kind of church

What if church was different than what you expected? Rancho Church in Temecula, CA is a community of friends doing our best to make the world a little better by following the example and teaching of Jesus. If you're looking for a church, a place to make new friends, explore questions about faith, or do some good in this world together, we invite you to check us out in person or online Sundays at 9:30 and 10:45am. We think you'll love it.

Visit Us

Visiting a church for the first time can be a little uncomfortable; waking up early, getting the family ready, parking, trying to figure out where to go once you're parked, what's available for kids and students, and finally getting into service - it can be quite the process! So at Rancho, we try and make that a little easier with friendly people to welcome you and point you in the right direction or even walk you along the way if you want. Check out the video below, then visit us any Sunday at 9:30 or 10:45am.


Our messages are grace-based, Jesus-focused, Bible-based, and include preaching and teaching designed to encourage people to think and grow in their faith. All toward advancing the cause of Christ through mercy, justice, and love. In a typical message, you can expect to hear from our lead pastor, Scott Treadway, and other rotating teaching pastors.


Live on Sundays at 9:30 & 10:45am

Replays starting Mondays at 5:00pm


Rancho Christian
Preschool - High School

equipping christ-centered leaders

Mission HOpe

Mission Hope provide tangible help in the Temecula Valley, through food and compassionate mentorship for the social, physical, financial, and spiritual needs of local individuals and families.