

Youth.MVNT is the place for High School and Middle School students to come and make new friends and have a blast making unforgettable memories as they grow in their faith. Our staff and volunteers encourage and support students by building relationships and helping them discover what it means to "Live Free & Do Good" in the absolute freedom and grace of Jesus Christ. Scroll down for specific details on High School and Middle School.

 High School

Youth Movement High School is for students in ninth through twelfth grade looking for a place to be themselves. We’re all about having a good time, sharing life with each other, and uncovering beautiful truths about God. It is our high school team’s heart to be a life-giving community for all students. Our ambition is to help students remember and experience the radical and compelling love of Jesus by which we are encouraged toward Christ-like living.

Tuesday Evenings


For gathering location, email Tiffany Sanders at tiffany.sanders@rancho.tv.

middle school

Youth Movement Middle School is a place for sixth through eighth grade students to be seen, known, and loved no matter what! We’re a pretty wild crew, but everything we do is packed with intention. From our games to teaching, our aim is to build student's faith and friendships! While parents may mostly hear about the fun, we also challenge students to grow in their faith by:

Teaching how to navigate the Bible

Participating in meaningful, small group discussions

Receiving grace-based, Jesus-focused, Bible-based teaching

Sunday Mornings

10:45am in Rancho’s Gym


6:30-8:00pm in Rancho Elementary’s Enrichment Room (very east end of campus)

stay in touch with us

Text “youth” to 951-379-3795 to receive announcements and reminders.

Follow us on Instagram @youth.mvnt to get a high flying view of our teaching, stay informed about upcoming events, and see snapshots of all the fun we have!

Prefer email? Join the group below to receive emails about upcoming events and reminders for events.

Looking for more information or just want to connect?

Youth.MVNT Instagram