Thank you Generosity Partners!

What is a “Generosity Partner” at Rancho? It’s anyone, who’s given anything, at anytime for any reason and we have thousands of you who partner with us to advance the cause of Christ through giving one time, when you can, and on a faithful recurring basis. It is because of you that we, together, are able to help share the wonderful love and grace of Jesus with those on our campus, in our community and around the world.

Here’s some quick updates and what your generosity has made possible recently:

  • Rancho Church grew by 20% in 2022-23, welcoming so many wonderful new and diverse families to our Jesus-centered, grace-based community.

  • Children's and Youth Ministries are vibrant and healthy in our newly remodeled Next-Gen campus with incredible staff and volunteers creating a culture of grace, care, and a really good time. Summer plans are EPIC!

  • Central Park (Part 1) is now complete with 2 new patios, an outdoor worship venue, and a park for all generations.

Thank you for being part of such an incredible family of faith on-mission together to "advance the cause of Christ through mercy, justice, and love." 

Note for designated giving: Any contributions received in excess of the amounts needed for designated projects will be used for future operating costs of related programs or will be used as needed at the complete discretion of the organization.

become a generosity partner