church online
Rancho CHURCH everywhere
We Live Stream to YouTube Sundays at 9:30AM and 10:45AM. You can also subscribe to our channel to watch messages only after Sunday on demand and all our other media.
We Live Stream to Facebook Live Sundays at 9:30AM and 10:45AM. You can also follow our page to watch messages only after Sunday on demand and to stay connected throughout the week.
Typically, you should be able to click on the above links to live stream on YouTube or Facebook on any device (all times are PST).
If you would like to watch on a SmartTV we recommend adding the YouTube App and searching “Rancho Church”. Our page should show up and if we are live you should be able to choose the live video and watch on your TV. If you are experiencing difficulty viewing messages, please use our contact form below to get in touch with us and we will do our best to help. You can also text us at 951-379-3795 and if we can we will respond.
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