Christmas Eve

2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00pm

Join us this Christmas Eve for a beautiful celebration of the gift of Jesus Christ. For over 50 years, Rancho Church has gathered on Christmas Eve with music, an inspiring message, and a special candlelight closing. This family-friendly service lasts just under an hour, with nursery care available for children Kindergarten and younger.

Saturday, December 7

Rancho’s annual Women’s Christmas Dessert is just around the corner, happening on Saturday, December 7th! For over 40 years, this cherished tradition has brought us together in celebration, friendship, and inspiration.

We’re looking for table hostesses! As a hostess, you’ll have the joy of decorating your table and can invite friends and family to join you—or if you prefer, we can help fill your table by selling tickets for you. And as our thanks, your ticket is complimentary!

If you’d like to be a hostess, tables and tickets will be available for purchase on Sunday, November 10th at church. For questions, feel free to reach out to Jenny at

Tickets are $20 per person and include a delicious dessert along with coffee and tea. This year, we’re thrilled to welcome Natalie Watts as our speaker. Natalie is an inspiring communicator, and she’ll be sharing an uplifting message on "Finding Joy" this Christmas season.

We look forward to celebrating with you!

Women’s Dessert

Sunday, December 8 (9:30 & 10:45am)

Break out your favorite Christmas Sweater and any other Christmas Gear you have and join us for church! We’ll be in our Christmas series “Comfort and Joy”, singing Christmas songs and we will have some fun surprises after each service including a possible visit from a jolly old man! We’ll also have some fun photo op areas so bring the whole family and stay for a while.

ugly sweater sunday